As our time in India has come to an end we have thrown together a few random images from the last couple of weeks in the South. From elephants on the back of trucks, hay bale heads, and other daily occurrences that we came across on our travels. And some of the views from the back of tuk-tuks where we spent a lot of time in getting from place to place.
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As well as tuk-tuks the main form (and the best) of transport that we used were the trains of the Indian Railways. Which is one of Indian great institutions and biggest employer (1 million employees on the payroll) with out it you would not even begin to scratch the surface of India with its vast distances. And besides the comprehensiveness of the network the punctuality was also very good, of our multiple overnight journeys we were only once ever delayed about 1 1/2 hours and the rest pretty much ran to time. Well done IR! A few pic’s of life onboard.
Click the images to enlarge
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