Annapurna – Day 3

Ghorepani to Tadapani

If yesterday was early then today was a shock to the system, up at 4am for a 4:30 excursion straight up hill to Poon Hill (3200m) to view the dawn over the whole Annapurna Range. Sadly the weather wasn’t on our side today, cloud cover restricted the view to fleeting glimpses of the big boys. 1 hour up the hill, 20 mins to come back down powered by the thought of a hot breakfast (the porridge ordered turned out to be made with heavily chlorinated water –  oats mixed with swimming pool water, not so nice). Set off after brekfast, again straight uphill for an hour and then across the ridge to Deorali for morning tea, where we also managed to pick up some yak products namely yak wool hats and yak cheese (150gms for £1.00 a bargain in anyone’s books). After a couple of hours at higher altitude it was a steep downhill followed by a vertical climb up to Tadapani for the night. With the mountains very close now but still shrouded in cloud, we were able to view the path we will be taking into the mountains proper, the cold weather gear is becoming more useful by the day!

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